Crystal Lake Packs
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In the land of the crystal lake there are 8 crystals. fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, ice and lightning. each pack has a crystal, but each is jealous of each others power. What will happen? Peace.. or chaos! You decide!
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TotM - December
Reyth     THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] 17-89~~~~~~~~~~~ Reyth has probably been the only member who actively visits each week! They are an excellent RPer, and are very kind towards other members. Say Congrats! 
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Owner Luna Fang THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] 1-812 ~~~~~~~~ Co-Owner/Admin Ember THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] Rsz_3-10 ~~~~~~~~~ Admin Fenrir THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] 22-1410
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THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] Icon_minitime4/27/2014, 5:07 pm by Crystal

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» THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink]
THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] Icon_minitime2/10/2014, 6:44 pm by Guest

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THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] Icon_minitime1/17/2014, 6:27 pm by Fenrir

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 THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink]

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The Cascades Admin

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PostSubject: THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink]   THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] Icon_minitime2/10/2014, 6:44 pm

THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink] A07wpj

THE CASCADES is a member-driven wild horse RPG based on the Silver Brumby book series by Elyne Mitchell. We are a free-form plot board where members control the world, with the odd site-wide event to keep the brumbies and bush critters on their hooves and toes.

No express amount of horse knowledge is needed to join.

Based in the region of the first book, in the era of The Cascades neither Thowra - the magnificent silver stallion, nor his immediate descendants remain. Their time is long gone, but their progeny lives on; their cunning has been inherited by their descendants. The brumbies; be they of the usual colours or whether they be creamy, still face the same threat today that the brumbies of old did; the threat of Man.

With the passing of the years, Man has remained constant in coming to the High Country to graze his cattle. Now though, the brumbies face threats not only of their past but also of the future; the Australian government views them as pests, as blights upon the land to be exterminated. Most of the time, the cunning brumbies are able to evade the traps, but the threat of Man is ever present and those brumbies trapped in the round-ups and brumby drives face an uncertain future; to be kept and broken as tame horses, or to be exterminated.

Join the adventures of the Australian Brumbies as they relive the adventures of their distant forebears, as they face up to Man and his tame horse and dog, flee the wild bushfires, race with the wind and dance in the snowstorms.

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